Upcoming Events
25 October 2023 Women in Engineering: The challenges of diversity to achieve the Energy Transition together; examples of good practice and the need to amplify efforts.
IEEE panel sessions at the IEEE ISGT Europe 2023 in Grenoble
After a short presentation by each of the speakers, allowing them to express their personal vision of diversity issues, the panel will aim to illustrate them with concrete examples, share best practices, and identify the efforts needed to amplify the presence of women in energy and the visibility of their achievements and successes.
Moderated by: Dr Yousra Sidqi (Chercheuse Senior IEE HLSU, IEEE CH, Chair IEEE PES WiP CH) and Claire Lajoie-Mazenc (Conseillère Scientifique senior Rte / past presidente IEEE F/ CIGRE F)
- Marie-Cécile Alvarez-Hérault, Assoc. Prof. Grenoble INP
- Alexia Venet Jalade, Trainer at Rte / Chair CIGRE Next Generation Network
- Florence Sedes, IRIT, Chair WiE IEEE
- Vera Silva, CTSO GE, IEEE PES F
- Laurie-Anne Clément Charpentier, head of Commercial Sales and Tender, Grid Solutions Siemens Energy SAS
- Elisabeth Da Silva Domingues, Head of Laboratory and testing, Hitachi Energy
Past Events
11 May 2023 – Workshop: NILM for demand response – solutions for the energy crisis
We organized a workshop that focused on the latest developments in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) for residential demand response. The workshop explored the relevance of NILM as a tool to alleviate the energy crisis by investigating its practical application in residential demand response.
The workshop brought together speakers from academia and industry to discuss the latest developments in NILM and its potential use in residential demand response. The workshop considered various aspects of NILM, such as smart meter data access, privacy, and security, including the application of web3 protocols.
For more information, to view a recording, and download slides, click here
7 December 2022 – IEEE Virtual Panel on Electric Vehicle Charging Data
As the prevalence of electric vehicles (EVs) increases, EV charging poses both challenges and opportunities to the grid in the clean energy transition. Challenges, such as physical limitations of grid infrastructure and variability of renewable energy, can potentially be overcome by proper collection and usage of data. The data collected can potentially lead to benefits such as increased electricity reliability and decreased greenhouse gas emissions, but may also raise questions about privacy.
This 1-hour virtual panel discussed what types of data are collected and for what purpose, where the data is sent and used, how it is used, and what additional data is combined with the vehicle charging data. The range of both current and future benefits that can be derived from data collected both now and in the future were discussed. This is the first of a 2-part series. The second panel, planned for 2023, will focus more on the privacy challenges associated with EV data.
25 January 2022 – Impact of electro-mobility on the power system
What impact will electric vehicles have on our power grid? And how can we manage the change? During this event, researchers from academia and industry shared their recent findings and views on the domain.
15 December 2021 – IEEE IES/PES/CSS Virtual Seminar on “Control and Simulation Platforms & Innovations for the Energy Transition
In this collaborative webinar, we delivered presentations on a range of topics.
25 November 2021 – Connecting mentors and mentees in the power sector in Switzerland
Mentoring is an important part of a successful career. In this event, we helped mentors and mentees connect and discuss important topics relating to their career evolution.
Participants heard from a role model regarding her own experience about mentoring, her thoughts on how to find a good mentor and how the mentoring experience can benefit both the mentor and the mentee.
Mentees had the opportunity to ask questions to mentors in round-table discussions. Mentors and mentees had the opportunity to have active one-to-one discussions as the first step to a successful relationship. Mentors had the chance to meet ambitious, talented women that are looking for guidance and support as their careers develop.
20 Apr 2021 – Swiss technology and innovation for the high-potential global wind energy market
This online event allowed participants to learn about the relevance of Swiss technology and innovation for the high-potential global wind energy market.
During this presentation we covered:
- Introduction to the global wind energy market.
- The basics of wind energy operation.
- The key challenges in the wind energy industry today.
- Some possible solutions to these challenges.
- How inclusive spaces can improve Open Innovation and Cooperative Collaboration and why diversity is important.
15 Dec 2020 – Role model event for Women in Engineering in Switzerland
An event that helped participants learn about other female leaders in the technology industry in Switzerland. In a male-dominated profession like engineering it can be difficult to hear the stories of successful women. IEEE Power and Energy Society Switzerland organized a role model event where two leading women engineers inspired attendees with their stories.
26 Oct 2020 – Online Event on Sector Coupling for Decarbonisation in Switzerland
The decarbonization of society can only be achieved by taking a holistic view of all sectors of the current energy system and by combining all current forms of energy storage and transfer: electrical, thermal, and chemical (Power-to-X). This IEEE webinar gave an overview of the latest trends and research around sector coupling, with a special focus on the situation in Switzerland.
15 Sep 2020 – Online Event on Grid integration of peer-to-peer, community self consumption and transactive energy models
New energy models are emerging around the world. Electricity consumers may produce, individually or collectively, the energy they consume and trade surplus with their peers. Opportunities like this represent a major change from the old world where consumers were passive users of the electricity system. This creates new challenges and opportunities for electricity networks.
In collaboration with IEEE PES Switzerland, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts hosted the meeting of the Global Observatory on this topic through interactive panel sessions and technical presentations.
28 May 2020 – Design Thinking for Virtual Teams
Do you want to learn Design Thinking skills and put them into practice at the same time? This is your opportunity!
In a world where working online is suddenly very important, IEEE PES Switzerland has organized a workshop to help you improve the way you use virtual collaboration.
The workshop will cover the basics of design thinking, show how it can be used by virtual teams, then apply the methodology to the thematic area of education and professional development for engineering disciplines during innovative virtual break-out sessions.
07 Nov 2019 – Conference on Technological, Political, and Financial Steps for Rapid Decarbonization
In this special one-day event, IEEE Switzerland Power and Energy Society investigated the latest positive technological and political developments and outline concrete steps for rapid decarbonization. By assembling a range of experts we considered policy, economic, financial and technical perspectives of rapid decarbonization, and investigated business models that could emerge.
Collaboration with Electrosuisse on two conferences
We ran two collaborative events with Electrosuisse. The events took place in September and November, and PES members benefitted from a reduced attendance fee